Indonesia Muda Untuk Tuberkulosis (IMUT)
I made the concept, initiated, and implemented the competition held by the Ministry of Health Indonesia. The purpose of the TB Comic competition for TB Child infection is to educate the children in Indonesia about TB diseases, and how to prevent them. The comic is an effective way to do so, comic is a great medium to spread information among children. There are two periods for this competition, the first was held from March to June, and the second was held from July to October. The first winner of both periods of this competition got the chance to win a ticket to Bali to attend the TB Summit for 3 nights straight.
The winner and finalist’s artwork was also exhibited at the event. I have been given the chance to present these artworks to the vice minister of health dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono, SpPD-KEMD, Ph.D., the Directorate General Secretary Dr. dr. Maxi Rein Rondonuwu, and the coordinator of TB substance dr. Tiffany Tiara Pakasi, MA. Along with other exhibitions; photo stories, and Lungscape art exhibitions.