Indonesia Muda Untuk Tuberkulosis (IMUT)
Period: 2021
Lungscape Art Exhibition is an art collaborative between ex-TB patients (Pejuang Tangguh TB-Multi Drug Resistant, Jakarta) and visual artists. I initiated this project based on my experience as an art worker who has a high risk to get tuberculosis infection because of some of the high-risk lifestyles; smoking habits, alcohol, and lack of sleep. We (IMUT), facilitated the artists to interview ex-TB patients to share their experiences fighting to be cured for a minimum of 2 years of medication. Visual artists were asked to respond to the thorax’s photo of the ex-TB patients, why thorax’s photo? because it saved many stories of the long way road that they’re taken for cures. This project is supported by The Ministry of Health Indonesia.
Top of all, this exhibition takes place at the TB Summit, Bali on 20-23 October 2021. To celebrate World TB Day 2021 by the Ministry of Health Indonesia. And I have been given the chance to assist the vice minister of health dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono, SpPD-KEMD, Ph.D., the Directorate General Secretary Dr. dr. Maxi Rein Rondonuwu, and the coordinator of TB substance dr. Tiffany Tiara Pakasi, MA to enjoy the exhibition.
Click the image to check all the artwork!
These are some of the photos taken from the very first exhibition that takes place in the Ministry of Health, on 24 March 2021. They are the visual artists and the ex-TB patients that collaborate in this exhibition.
I also contribute to making one of the artwork displayed, this artwork called “All is Well”. I responded to a thorax photo of an ex-TB patient, dr. Putri Ayu. The concept is to visualize how the doctor keeps on continuing the medication while she should doing her job as a clinician. She keeps on praying and keeps the hopes up to fight the TB diseases.
I hope this artwork could inspire other TB patients which still in the medication process. To keep on finishing the long way road of medication, and keep on praying because at the end of the day everything will be okay. And being back to health is a must because if the medication is not finished the TB diseases could kill the patients, and spread the bacteria to many more people.
Let’s end TB together!